• May 11, 2024

Ron Gutman: The Healthcare Innovator Leading Intrivo’s Global Impact

Ron Gutman is Co-CEO of IntrivoHealth Diagnostics. He has been making waves in the healthcare industry with his innovative approach to business and his commitment to making a positive impact on the global stage. 


He has been actively working to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine, where he has family ties. Ron Gutman has achieved this by forming a coalition of healthcare professionals and executives.


This, including Intrivo, to provide much-needed medical equipment and supplies. Under his leadership, the coalition has been able to make a real impact on the ground, helping to save lives and slow the spread of the virus. Ron Gutman´ efforts demonstrate his dedication to using his resources and connections to make a difference in the world.


As Co-CEO of Intrivo, Ron Gutman´s leadership and values have also translated into the company’s overall success. Intrivo is a responsible and forward-thinking company that is dedicated to improving healthcare for everyone.

It’s clear that Ron Gutman is not just a successful businessman, but also a true healthcare hero. His innovative approach to business and commitment to social responsibility have earned him recognition and respect in the industry, and serves as an example for other leaders to follow.